Why Is Coffee So Hard To Get Out Of Your Carpets: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock
There a lot of things that you can spill on your carpet that are easily cleanable, but did you know that one of the hardest stains to remove is coffee? It is also one of the most common stains. Yes coffee is a stain that can become incredibly difficult. The combination oh heat and the fact that it is a protein stain will raise the ph level of the carpet to an alkaline level. Many times people will clean the coffee stain up and it appears to be gone, only to see it wick back up the next day. Fooled you didn't it. Coffee can be really frustrating.
TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock has a tip for you that will remove the coffee stain and your frustrations.
To properly remove the coffee spill your going to need a couple of products. Start by calling TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock and ordering a bottle of they're TLC Carpet Care Protein Remover. This helps with many different proteins such as coffee and blood as well. If the coffee is not dry first blot the stain with some bounty towels working from the outside in as to not spread the coffee stain. Next take your protein stain remover and mix in a spray bottle with water 50/ 50 solution with cold water. Allow to dwell for 20 to 30 minutes and then slowly blot out the stain. Repeat the process if necessary. After the stain has been cleaned up place a fan over the wet carpet to properly dry. Once completely dry vacuum the carpet so the pile is nice and plush again.
In your attempt of removing the coffee stain are not working give the experts a TLC Carpet Care a call. They have the proper solutions and the experience of removing 25 years worth of coffee spills. In the mean time, try not to spill your coffee...LOL
If you have a coffee stain your trying to get rid off, call TLC Carpet Care at 720-314-0178 and don't forget to check out our videos at tlccarpetcare.net. TLC Carpet Care based in Castle Rock also services the towns of Parker and Franktown Co.