The Best In Steam Cleaning Carpets in Castle Rock Co

The Best In Steam Cleaning Carpets in Castle Rock Co

The Best In Steam Cleaning Carpets In Castle Rock Co

Experiencing the best carpet cleaning for carpet & rugs by TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock. Removing hard stains. grease and dirt only happens with TLC Carpet Care's high heat extraction cleaning machine.  The steam is what separates it from other dry cleaning processes in its industry.  Methods like rotary bonnet encapsulation can be great for commercial carpets but for residential carpets steam cleaning is the very best.  Portable machines are great extraction tools for cleaning locations that truck mounted equipment can’t reach such as high rises and skyscrapers. The downside to portables is that they often times lack heat and extraction power thus it takes carpets more time to dry.

Hot water extraction systems are powerful like no other machine.  The benefit for Castle Rock customers is in the acid rinse that helps rinse the carpets from all chemicals.  It’s also in the sterilizing and killing all germs and bacteria.  The process removes greasy dirty soils and bacteria that can be bad for your health.  Any previous residues from spot cleaning products are extracted so as not to attract any dirt.  The final result leaves your carpets neutral in PH and soft to the touch. Most important of all, carpets are usually dry in 8 to 10 hours. Finally, you can experience the best in steam cleaning carpets for your house. 

If you would like more info on, The best in steam cleaning carpets in Castle Rock visits us at or call us at

720-314.0178 / Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co

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