Removing Your Cat’s Dander from Your Carpet: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock
Cat dander a sticky protein that makes itself comfortable on just about anything it clings to. A lot of it maybe microscopic so It may be impossible to remove all of it. However you can remove enough that will make a significant difference especially for those people who deal with allergies and lung conditions like asthma. Fortunately, with TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock it’s much easier than doing it yourself. TLC Carpet Care has the answer to removing dander fro your carpets.
Cats lay down and take naps on your upholstery and so does their dander! If you have upholstered furniture, especially polyester or cotton then having those steam cleaned with a neutralizer will help remove the cat dander. You can easily find lint brushes and rollers at your local Walmart as they can help remove hair and dander from everything from upholstery to your clothes.
One of the best ways to remove cat dander is prevention! You can do this by having your carpet professionally groomed with a gentle shampoo and grooming. Warning they will not like bath time, but it is completely necessary to limit cat dander. Of course after shampooing daily grooming will help keep dander at bay.
Whether you just don’t have the knowledge or the time to clean your carpets, TLC Carpet Care will be happy to do it for you! Our steam cleaning technology and cleaning solutions are perfect for removing pet dander and leaving your carpets looking and smelling fresh. Contact us today at 720-314-0178 for a free, no obligation estimate and let us know what we can do for you. Also be sure to visit us at
TLC Carpet Care serves the town of Castle Rock and the towns of Sedalia, Larkspur and Franktown Co.