Preparing your carpets and areas to be Steam Cleaned: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co
- When preparing for steam cleaning review the recommendations from your carpets manufactures that go with your carpet to ensure that the proper carpet cleaning solution to use on your carpets.
- You'll want to start by removing breakables in your rooms, such as lamps, plants, and other small items. Then you want to remove and furniture that you want cleaned underneath and then vacuum your carpet preferably with a helpa filter vacuum cleaner. This should remove all surface dirt, hair and pollens.
- Pay attention to hard to reach areas, like the corners and along the edges of the walls to prevent soil infiltration. Use an attachment to get the edges and the corners very good. You can also use this tool on the stairs as well.
- When using a carpet steamer you'll want to pretreat your carpets will an enzyme based solution to digest stains and soil. If your carpets are heavily soiled you may want to use a traffic leaner to break down soils, but make sure your rinse thoroughly.
- Treat pet stains with bio-solutions. When it comes to pet stains you want to purchase a bio-solution that can break down urine and neutralize pet odors. You will also need a hydrogen time released solution to bleach out yellow urine stains.
- Extraction process will remove the allergens, pollens and dust mites from your carpets. This will be a much needed help to those who suffer from allergies.
- Groom the carpets: You want to get yourself a nylon rake for spot grooming the carpets. This will make the carpet fibers stand straight up and allow air to flow thru the carpet yarn for quicker dry times.
- If you would like to learn more about: Preparing your carpet and areas to be steam cleaned visit us at or call us at 720-314-0178. Carpet Cleaners in Castle Rock Co