Managing Pet Hair: Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co
As a pet owner you know all to well how pet hair is a never ending battle. TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock are professional carpet cleaners who understand just how frustrating it can be to keep your carpets and upholstery free of pet hair. Pet hair presents pet owners with carpet cleaning challenges, all of which need to be addressed in timely manner if you are to be able to keep your carpets from hair build up and clean.
- The Dander Effect– When people thing of pet hair to them it's just annoying problem that needs to be removed, but what they don't know is dander will release proteins that cause odors that can be embedded in your carpets and upholstery fibers. So it's not just hair but foul smelling odors.
- Clean What You Don't See – Depending on the color of the hair and the color of the carpet fibers. You may not see everything especially if there the same color and it's blending in. So be sure to vacuum daily. Most vacuum cleaners have attachments for you to vacuum your upholstery as well. Also you can use pet hair rollers on the upholstery as well. You can find those at Walmart. People use those on there clothing but it works wonderfully on upholstery too.
- Your Breed– If you have a dog or cat that is continually molting, you’re likely to find the sheer volume of pet hair difficult to deal with. In such cases, weekly vacuuming along with a nylon carpet rake can help you remove the toughest of hair accumulation. This can do wonders for your carpet fibers. If you would like more info call TLC Carpet Care at 720-314-0178 and be sure to visit us at