Hot Water Extraction To Extend The Life of your Carpet Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co
You love your new carpets and you want them to last. There are many ways to make that happen. One is to give your carpet a hot water extraction cleaning annually but if you have a big family you'll benefit from more frequent carpet cleanings. Be sure you are working with a company like TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock that specializes in Hot Water Extraction. To get a Hot Water Extraction carpet cleaning requires professional carpet cleaning company that has truck mounted steam cleaning machines that uses high-pressure steam at 225 degrees plus. Hot Water Extraction not only will clean your carpet better than any other carpet cleaning process but will also kill all bacteria that cause carpet odors.
By having such a thorough carpet cleaning process you'll be removing things that can cause carpet damage. Things that are abrasive and can wear down a carpet over time. Upon completion of the cleaning process TLC Carpet Care will provide foam blocks to protect the carpet from furniture bleed and rusting. Then they will groom the carpet making it plush and having the fibers lay in the same direction. One last thing that can help your carpets last longer is the application of Dupont Teflon carpet protector that can help repel liquids and spills.
The best best thing to make your carpets last is prevention with carpet cleaning maintenance. Call TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock. Your local Castle Rock carpet cleaning company.
If you would like to know more about: Hot Water Extraction to extend the life of your carpet visit us at and to schedule a Hot Water Extraction for your carpets give us a call at 720-314-0178
Carpet Cleaners Castle Rock Co