Carpet Cleaning and The Climate of Castle Rock Co
Castle Rock Co is known for two different climates. During the summer it's a dry climate, where during the winter is a snowy wonderland and yet Castle Rock Co has more sunshine days than Florida. No matter thou what time of year the weather can really have an effect on your carpets. Let take a look at some of what the climate can do to your carpets.
Because of the weather during the winter snow can bring in a lot of moisture with snow and mud. You may say well we take off our shoes before coming in the house. Ok, but do your pets take off there paws? Eventually your carpets can take a beating with what the winter can do to your carpets. Winter can also cause freezing of your pipes that can lead to water damage. So be sure to keep your Castle Rock well ventilated. Now summer on the other hadn't brings in a lot of dirt. Our summers are dry with very low humidity compared to our friends on the coastal regions. Thou we do get our share of rain in the summer which also can bring in a lot of dirt and mud. During spring and fall we see a high pollen count as well. You guessed it pollens can find their way into your carpets. These pollens can cause allergens causing itchy eyes, and respiratory issues.
So as we can see our climate can eventually find ways in your house and your carpets no matter what time of year. So when looking for a professional carpet cleaning company in your area, be sure to consider TLC Carpet Care in Castle Rock as they have been cleaning thousands of homes for the last 20 plus years. TLC Carpet Care has the experience, certifications and the latest in carpet cleaning technology to clean and remove all the dirt and mud that has slowly built up in your carpets over the last year.
If you would like more info on carpet cleaning and the climate of Castle Rock be sure to visit us at or call us at 720-314-0178 for a free quote. / Carpet Cleaning Castle Rock Co.